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Patrick McAlister

Mr. Stouder,

I am a product of Bunche Montessori School and I am thrilled to hear the Montessori schools in FWCS are still producing outstanding results. While she just retired, Mrs. McMahan taught me 1st through 5th grade at Bunche. She instilled in me a love for learning and gave me the best foundation for a successful life.

While I did graduate from one of the excellent suburban public high schools in a neighboring district, I am thrilled you are strongly advocating for urban public schools making a difference.

So thank you, Mr. Stouder, for sticking up for good urban schools and good teachers in those schools.

Ed. note: Mr. McAlister is currently teaching through the Teach For America program.

Evert Mol

The problem at my former high school obviously isn't due to kids like Mr. Stouder's. The problem is the 70 to 80% who can't pass a stadardized test over a course they've just taken. It's those kids who will eventually drive parents like Mr. Stouder out of the district.

Ryan Joseph

The problem IS that Mr. Stouder doesn't realize the lack of education his children are receiving in FWCS. As an individual, who has worked in surrounding county school districts, one only has to see that the 12th grade Social Studies test at South Side is equivalent to the 7th Social Studies test at a number of area schools in surrounding rural and suburban districts.

FWCS is too focused on kill and drill methods that don't produce the critical thinking methods that are needed for success in college and later life. There is recent evidence that the lack of critical thinking, creativity and innovation are holding our nation, and we are going off the deep-end like China. (Read Zhao Yong's blog entries about globalization.)

FWCS has abandoned classes in electricity, woodworking, drafting and welding, to chase down the almighty ISTEP scores. They have abandoned home ec., gym and health in middle schools. While these subject matters are not on the test, these courses often spark a career interest or side hobby.

Furthermore, FWCS' union is too protected on keeping the status' quo pay, and not changing the academic structure or testing system.

Roger McNeill

I wasn't real impressed with the School Board donning pro-union sweaters & pom-poms and taking a meaningless vote in favor of the union stance. I'll bet they're real tigers when it comes to protecting the public dime in the tough tough tough contract negotiations.

Susan Stahl

Mr. Stouder, thank you for your post. I am the parent of a K student at Bunche and have become very involved with the PTA and volunteering both at Bunche and Towles. Our son is not even close to starting high school, but I have also started investigating the options. By being involved with the schools, I'm also getting to know many older students, some currently enrolled at South Side. I've been very impressed. I've also heard some very positive things about New Tech Academy at Wayne H.S. Earlier in the school year I spent about an hour with Mark GiaQuinta. I walked away from that meeting confident we have a school board president who is truely passionate about education and the success of our children. In fact, all the teachers, administrators and support personnel of FWCS have impressed me in every interaction I have had with them during the past 2.5 years.

The public doesn't seem to understand how difficult it is for an urban school district to make AYP. As stated above, FWCS has 79 different languages alone, bringing their total number of cells upwards into the 120 range. As a comparison, Ft. Wayne suburban districs have in the neighborhood of 11 cells. (I don't recall the exact number of cells for either district, but suffice it say, the difference is astounding.)

It's nice to see others who strongly supports FWCS and the good being done there. There has been so much discussion lately about the sad state of public education in our country. I wonder though...in all that discussion, why are the parents never held accountable? Is it not politically correct? I'm sure the teachers don't want to point fingers as it would appear they're just trying to blame someone else. But what about the politicians and the others making so much noise? Isn't being involved in your child's education considered a family value? The 70% of failing students at South Side referred to above by Evert Mol-where are their parents? Even in the Bunche/Towles Montessori community, a big turnout for a PTA meeting is 20 people. I feel this is a huge issue no one seems to be willing to talk about. If the parents don't support the school, wherever that school may be, how can the children be expected to take their education seriously?

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