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« Bob Armstrong - Father and Grandfather | Main | In Memoriam: Our Mayor Bob Armstrong »


Jim Howard

Well stated Judge Felts. You did the right thing and that makes a good Judge.

Andy Borgmann

That is one of the greatest apologies I have ever read/heard/seen by an elected official. Not one of us are perfect, and while I'll let the IJQC make the judgment on his future, I have to say I would be thoroughly satisfied with the apology.

Karen Goldner

We can all hope that when any of us makes a mistake that we have half the class in addressing it that Judge Felts is demonstrating.

John Smith

How come Judge Felts gets away with a 90 day suspension? Why not the full year like he is supposed to get for refusing a breathalyzer? Just another slap in the face by our court system. We should be used to it by now. What about the apology for poisoning thousands of Allen County citizens? Oh, I forgot no one cares about that. This town is going to burn old testiment style.

Stefan Kelley

The link to the plea agreement no longer works.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just apologize for our mistakes and not pay any penalties. Imagine how empty our prisons would be.

Ed. note: There was a mistake in uploading the wrong file. FWOb won't have access to the PDF file until next week in order to place the correct file for availability.

Chase Doyle

Nice apology, now he just needs to resign and I will forgive him.

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