
  • Mitch Harper, editor [contact via email]

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Kevin Whaley

Congratulations Mitch! Blogging is a lot harder than it looks and I truly appreciate the effort that you put into keeping this site active.

Denny Rorick

I so enjoy your Obits and Blog. You are so right every person has a story. It is nice to read your obits about so many people who have served their fellow man and community so well. Keep up the good work. I am really impressed with the devotion you give to informing the people of Ft Wayne about their community. I know it is time consuming especially with your work on the council. Keep up the good work.

Robert Enders

A couple times I've blogged about pets that passed away. I stopped doing that because I hate reading about other people's pets. But for prominent people, (and prominent animals like Puzzles the Giraffe) an obituary is warranted. Often, the first time I ever hear about these people is when their obituary is published.

Ed. note:

Well, the post regarding Puzzles was not meant as an obituary but as an alert to a news item. But it has been interesting to note the reactions of readers to posts regarding zoo animals; its evidence of the strong attachment people place on their experiences in visiting zoos such as the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo.

Your second point is one I think of when I read the featured obituaries in the New York Times or the Chicago Tribune. I particularly like the Chicago Tribune's featured obits as they explain a life of service, invention or perseverence of a person.

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