Bobett Kelley's comment about the Taylor University students was FWOb comment 5,002. Sometime in the next week, FWOb will have published its 3,000th post.
Thank you to all who have offered up comments, suggestions and, in some cases, shared heartfelt memories or tributes.
There are a few observers of the local blogging scene who have suggested that Fort Wayne Observed should be renamed "FWOb - Fort Wayne Obits" for the number of times posts on Fort Wayne Observed notes a passing of an individual. These are often headlined as a "Valedictory" to mark a life well lived whether that life was long or whether it was one cut short.
Sometimes it is to mark a life of service; sometimes to offer up a personal observation that might not make it into the mainstream news media. Always, it is to note an extraordinary individual.
Not every person that I think should be so noted is the subject of a post either due to time or due to a concern and respect for the private nature of an individual or a family. Yet, it is never for lack of extraordinariness. Every person has a story; and there are so many more extraordinary folks than I could note here.
The point I want to make is some of these posts draw comments from relatives or friends or admirers which amaze me in that the commenter thought to make the comment here. It amazes me that this is something of a public square for persons to make those observations. It helps make the time that goes into this weblog worthwhile.
This past week, John Archer's brother sent a comment about John, who passed away just over a week ago. If you missed it, I am reprinting it here. It is just one of the 5,002 comments that are welcomed here at FWOb:
John, I believe you are somwhere out there in the 1967 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible, once again hearing for the first time... the extended version of "Light My Fire" by the Doors. "Try to set the night on Figh-ya!" Thank-you for the years of joy. Your Adoring Brother, Linsler
Congratulations Mitch! Blogging is a lot harder than it looks and I truly appreciate the effort that you put into keeping this site active.
Posted by: Kevin Whaley | March 24, 2008 at 10:04 PM
I so enjoy your Obits and Blog. You are so right every person has a story. It is nice to read your obits about so many people who have served their fellow man and community so well. Keep up the good work. I am really impressed with the devotion you give to informing the people of Ft Wayne about their community. I know it is time consuming especially with your work on the council. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Denny Rorick | March 26, 2008 at 07:30 PM
A couple times I've blogged about pets that passed away. I stopped doing that because I hate reading about other people's pets. But for prominent people, (and prominent animals like Puzzles the Giraffe) an obituary is warranted. Often, the first time I ever hear about these people is when their obituary is published.
Ed. note:
Well, the post regarding Puzzles was not meant as an obituary but as an alert to a news item. But it has been interesting to note the reactions of readers to posts regarding zoo animals; its evidence of the strong attachment people place on their experiences in visiting zoos such as the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo.
Your second point is one I think of when I read the featured obituaries in the New York Times or the Chicago Tribune. I particularly like the Chicago Tribune's featured obits as they explain a life of service, invention or perseverence of a person.
Posted by: Robert Enders | March 27, 2008 at 02:02 AM