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Craig Ladwig

Why doesn't this make me feel better about the future of Indiana University?

Casey Cox

I hope that it does.

The data is being gathered using a Delphi survey model that takes advantage of the special knowledge our volunteers have of IU and the State of Indiana with varying degrees of depth. If the outcome of our analysis is far removed from the priorities of the Board, it should certainly give us pause. This, I think, is a responsible approach to gathering credible opinions on the future.


I think the IU posts really detract from what is otherwise a strong Fort Wayne oriented news blog. I'm sure if Casey Cox started his own blog it would attract a segment of interested readers but it doesn't belong on FW Observed and its, well frankly, very boring stuff. If one is not an IU student or alumni it's wasted bandwidth and very dry to read.

Also i'm curious why you pulled the item on the Dept. of Homeland security report. IT was at least of local interest.

Craig Ladwig

Good luck, Mr. Cox. Freddie Hayek, a university man himself, dedicated his life work to warning us about progress that depends on a roomful of smart people with calculators.


Curious that posts critical of this content are ignored. I do not think this is material interesting or pertinent to the majority of the readership. It belongs on a seperate blog, and undoubtedly an IU blog would have a seperate readership.

It's also a surprise that the item posted regarding the NY Times article on the Homeland Security report was pulled. It has local interest, and FW Observed was the first local media source to report the story.

Mitch Harper

Not really a curiousity at all, JGW.

The weblog hosting service, Typepad, went haywire on Wednesday, July 12. Some posts were taken down, some comments were lost, and edits to posts were not saved during the period they experienced technical problems.

This was from Typepad's News on Thursday:
TypePad Status Update
Update - July 13, 12 pm PDT
We are currently in the process of recovering data that was unavailable after the service outage on July 12. This includes posts, comments, newly created blogs, etc.

Typepad "deposted" the item on the terrorist list. It was later recovered in draft mode. By the time it became available on Thursday to repost, many other news outlets and blogs had commented on the list and I made the judgement that it wasn't particularly noteworthy to repost.

This is really the first time that I have seen Typepad have this sort of technical problem. It has been very stable since Fort Wayne Observed has moved to it.

As for Mr. Cox's posts about Indiana University - I hope you will give Mr. Cox time to develop a voice and a writing style for the weblog.

I have encouraged him to think about posting on other topics and not just confine himself to Indiana University. However, I think several readers appreciate FWOb having direct contact from an Indiana University Trustee - particularly one from Allen County.

I know Mr. Cox would appreciate comments and question about Indiana University from students, parents, and other citizens. Perhaps some folks will take advantage of that as the next semester begins in a few weeks.

I apologize for two of his items appearing so closely together in time. The post about "IU in 10 Years" was in draft mode. I had inadvertently failed to make note of its presence until Casey had posted the other recent item.

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