Jim Romenesko, who writes a well-read weblog for The Poynter Institute, noted Fort Wayne Observed's original reporting about reporters at the Aberdeen News American and how they covered the sale of their own newspaper.
Romenesko's effect on journalism has been described by Mark Jurkowitz this way:
Now, a decade later, comes what we’ll call "The Romenesko Effect" — named after Jim Romenesko, who started a media Web site six years ago — which is transforming the news industry in a similar fashion. Using the new technology of the Internet to infuse newsroom scandals, gossip, and griping with tradition-soaked debates about journalistic ethics and practices, Romenesko and other online practitioners have democratized the closed and often-secretive news culture and put pressure on media executives to act more quickly under far greater scrutiny. The result: a heightened perception of public accountability.
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