A few weeks ago, I disabled anonymous comments. Though many comments were provacative and insightful, there were also plenty that weren't worth the time it took to read them. I didn't want to continue to let the people leaving those types of comments to be able to do so anymously anymore, and the only other option Blogger gave me was to require commenters to create a Blogger account for themselves.
I wasn't satisfied with that as a solution, so I began looking for a third-party commenting service that was less restrictive. I think I found one in Haloscan, which is used by many other bloggers.
Now, when you leave a comment, you will be asked for a name (you're welcome to give a pseudonym) and have to option to also provide your email address and a website address. Again, let me reiterate that providing your email address is OPTIONAL, not required, as it is on some other local blogs.
The purpose of comments remains to give Fort Wayne Observed readers a chance to respond and add to the discussion around a particular post. As in the past, any personal attacks or comments made in poor taste will be automatically deleted.
In order to leave a comment, you must also leave your full name and a working email address in the event Fort Wayne Observed contacts you for confirmation. You may request that your email address not be published when your comment is posted.
Anonymous comments or those that include coarse language or personal attacks will not be tolerated.