Leo Morris reports on Tuesday night's city council meeting, which I was unable to attend. (Foiled the Fort Wayne paparazzi again!) The topic was downtown development, specifically the proposed hotel and where it should be located. Leo has some good questions, and asks his readers to weigh in with their thoughts.
As I mentioned, I wasn't at the meeting, but I've been paying close attention to this issue ever since I started blogging six months ago. I even spent 30 minutes interviewing Kevin Leininger [listen] about downtown redevelopment and the history of Fort Wayne's downtown.
I think we've got much of what we need to revitalize downtown already in place, such as a plan, committed community leaders, and another plan.
In fact, it seems to me that we're really only lacking one thing.
We all agree on where we want to go -- and in case there was any doubt, we paid consultants to draw us a map.
But who will step up and get us there?
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