From Thursday's Indiana Daily Insight: Look
for the Governor to participate in the unveiling of northeastern
Indiana’s first B20 soy biodiesel public pump in Fort Wayne today... According
to, "With the Pentagon's latest base closing plan all but
a done deal, at least three governors -- M. Jodi Rell of Connecticut,
Rod Blagojevich of Illinois and Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania -- plan to
pursue lawsuits in an effort to save Air National Guard units in their
states." As you may recall, the big beef from Illinois is over
the move of fighter jets and personnel from the state capital there to
Fort Wayne. "Their renewed pledges of legal action came after the U.S.
House of Representatives last week overwhelmingly rejected a measure
aimed at stopping the Pentagon's process of streamlining resources at
military bases .... Observers said last week's vote cements the
shutdown of 22 major military bases and the transfer of personnel and
equipment at 33 others. Last week's vote also cleared the way
for Connecticut and Illinois to challenge the BRAC recommendations in
court. These two states sued to stop the Pentagon from transferring Air
National Guard units to other states, but judges said the lawsuits
could not proceed until the BRAC decisions became law. Pennsylvania is
in the courts, too, to stop Air Guard aircraft from being transferred."
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