A FWOb reader wonders:
Here's a question for FW Observed, journalist or not: Don't you think that the J-G's editorial this morning about the parks director begs the question, WHY HAS IT BEEN SO HARD TO FIND SOMEONE? Or perhaps, is there ANYONE who is qualified for the job who would want it? Or even, shouldn't anyone who is willing to take the job receive some sort of immediate mental health counseling?
Here's an excerpt from that editorial:
A nationwide search that took eight months and cost about $38,000 has produced nothing. Fort Wayne still does not have a new parks department director to succeed Dianne Hoover, who left in January. And while it’s important that the Fort Wayne Board of Parks Commissioners find the right person for the job, it is equally important that the board gets it done soon. The department should not be allowed to languish without stable leadership.
The director’s salary is nearly $100,000 and should be more than adequate to attract capable candidates. But contrary to what you might think, being the director of the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department is not a walk in the park. The parks department director has to keep park employees, board members, the mayor, financial donors, business leaders and the general public happy. And, the director has to make it look like fun.
I think the reader raises a good question. Why has it been so hard to find a new parks director?
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