Reactions to Gov. Daniels' proposed healthcare scheme:
It is entirely appropriate to be thinking of ways to extend better health care to the poor. And it is entirely appropriate to collect tax from smokers to offset the higher cost of health care that the smoking addiction imposes on the rest of society.
Dave Haxton --
Bottom line: neither the state nor any governmental body really wants smokers to quit. They want to bleed us a bit more, making us feel guilty for funding their new projects as they go. And if we ever do really kick the habit completely, well, the taxpayers in general will be left holding the bag for all these grand illusions.
Doug Masson argues it'll be less expensive and inefficient than emergency rooms.
Mark Rutherford says this is more proof that Daniels doesn't understand free markets.
Kenn Gividen (who needs permalinks) --
We get free health insurance thanks to Gov. Mitch Daniels' latest plunge into Keynesian economics . . .
In the end analysis, the Republicans just handed Hoosiers another bureaucratic program that – like Social Security – will burden future taxpayers, lock in a poverty class and have no exit strategy.
Advance Indiana has a good analysis but concludes --
The Governor's plan is a nice start, but I think he would be well advised to reach out to people other than lobbyists for doctors, hospitals, health insurers and pharmaceutical companies to develop a more successful program.
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